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2022 Rolla Catholic Newman Center Alumni Dinner

Saturday, March 19th at 6:00 PM
Rolla Newman Center Gathering Room


Thank you for all of your support of the Rolla Catholic Newman Center. Your support makes it possible for us to bring Christ to the students at Missouri S&T and other campuses in the area. Everyone is welcome to attend our annual alumni dinner. To RSVP, please fill out the short form below.

As usual, the dinner will take place the weekend of Saint Pat's week in Rolla. We plan to have a catered dinner from Dickey's Barbecue. The evening will be an excellent opportunity for you to tour the Newman Center, meet the students, and hear about the great things that God is doing in our ministry.

If you would like to officially register as an alumnus, fill out the form HERE.

If you would like to register as a supporter or a friend of our ministry, fill out the form HERE.

Filling out either form will ensure that you receive our semesterly newsletter and other communications.

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